Cybersecurity in the Public Sector

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Cybersecurity and the Persistent Digital Threats

Cybersecurity and data breaches are a looming threat for businesses in any industry. As quickly as IT tools are developed to combat data threats, new and increasingly sophisticated attack methods are developed and implemented on a global scale. These attacks target businesses across many industries, and often cause significant damage. For organisations in the public sector, the stakes are even higher, and these institutions need the highest level of complete protection that is available. Along with the Energy Industry and SME’s – Healthcare, Higher Education and other Government Agencies represent the top 5 industries that are most vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Staying One Step Ahead

In the USA, Homeland Security has reported a 10-fold increase in the number of cyber incidents reported to the Department of Human Services between 2006 and 2015 that impacted the public sector. Moreover, with the rapid proliferation of an expanding number of digital devices combined with the increasing level of interconnectedness, cyber threats are constantly evolving and becoming progressively more elaborate. The challenge here lies in ensuring a comprehensive cybersecurity plan is implemented; this means it should be one step ahead of any potential threats. Any plan must embrace a holistic approach that includes common best practices, employee engagement and training, and extensive knowledge of threat risks and mitigation actions.

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Operating within the Victorian Protective Data Security Framework (VPDSF)

Because public sector information is so valuable and targeted, the Victorian Protective Data Security Framework was created for public sector organisations operating in Victoria and compliance is mandatory. This framework was developed as a means to help these organisations improve their data security practices and policies, manage risk and promote innovation that can lead to increased productivity. The agency behind the VPDSF, the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner, has outlined a 5-step action plan that includes specific mandatory documents to be completed and policies implemented. Once a comprehensive Protective Data Security Plan has been adopted, regular reporting and review of the plan is required.

While this framework is a huge asset in planning to ensure the integrity of data is safeguarded in the best manner possible, it can be a daunting process for many organisations. The framework includes 18 high-level mandatory standards, each with 4 distinct protocols. In addition to this, OVIC will oversee the compliance and monitoring activities related to the VPDSF, which may include audits.

Achieving the goals laid forth by the VPDSF can be intimidating any sized organisation, which is why the professionals at Int Tec Solutions can assist with every component to ensure full compliance is achieved. This service can begin during the planning process with the Risk Profile Assessment and carry through the entire process, during which only reporting and mandatory reviews are required. Despite the low level of requirements that are formally dictated by the VPDSF once the Protective Data Security Plan has been adopted, Int Tec Solutions will continue to be a proactive party that seeks out new vulnerabilities in a rapidly changing data landscape and working to ensure that these threats are properly accounted for.

The Int Tec Solutions Advantage

Int Tec Solutions has the high-level of expertise necessary to provide a full range of IT services to those operating in the public sector. Int Tec Solutions also recognises that governmental agencies also serve as trustees to public funds, which is why Int Tec’s commitment to cost-effectiveness becomes a significant factor their ability to provide superior service to those operating in the public sector.

While there is no miracle solution or silver bullet that can prevent any attack, Int Tec Solutions’ strategy is based on a multi-tiered approach to security that can often reduce the threat level as well as increase an organisation’s ability to mitigate the threat and in the event of a successful data breach, minimise the amount of damage that can occur.

Solutions Made Simple

There are many benefits in selecting Int Tec Solutions as a trusted partner that can assist with all of your cybersecurity needs. By letting our professionals handle the day-to-day tasks that ensure security is at its peak performance, you can trust that the threat of a data breach (and its corresponding adverse impact on reputation) will be minimised.

Int Tec Solutions can provide a hand-on approach that applies the 6 Points of Comprehensive Cyber Security to your organisation. This safeguards your organisation from noncompliance and provides enhanced internal security practices. With regular monitoring and continuous identification of emerging and evolving threats, Int Tec Solutions can address these vulnerabilities quickly and respond accordingly. By contacting our experts, you can rest assured that your organisation’s IT security measures are ahead of the game.

Cybersecurity in Enterprise

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Cybersecurity and the Persistent Digital Threats

Cybersecurity and data breaches are a looming threat for businesses in any industry. As quickly as IT tools are developed to combat data threats, new and increasingly sophisticated attack methods are developed and implemented on a global scale. These attacks target businesses across many industries, and often cause significant damage.

For small to medium enterprises (SMEs), IT and cybersecurity can be a persistent source of concern. Security threats are being encountered by SMEs much more frequently than in the past, and successful attacks can prove to be incredibly costly for organisations that are impacted. Since SMEs often have much more budgetary restrictions than larger enterprises, the threat of a cyber-attack is alarming.

SMEs are Being Targeted More Frequently

While large-scale data breaches impacting major institutions make the news on a regular basis, there are far more small-scale attacks that can be equally damaging to the small businesses that are targeted. One report has found that 58% of malware attack victims are categorised as small businesses and many business owners are reporting that these attacks are becoming more severe and sophisticated.

The costs of an attack are also increasing. The average cost for small and medium-sized businesses that had suffered a cyber-attack was $2.235,000. Over $1 million of this was due to damage or theft of IT assets and the remaining impact came from the disruption to normal operations that was caused by the attack.

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Responding to the Threat

Despite the huge risk of experiencing a cyber-attack, most SMEs do not have sufficient resources allocated to properly defend their network operations. In fact, 86% of SMEs report having less than 10% of their total IT budget dedicated to cyber security and another 75% have between zero and 2 IT professionals on staff.

While these statistics are sobering, it’s important to realise that providing comprehensive cyber security measures doesn’t have to break the bank. Int Tec Solutions has the depth of expertise necessary to provide these services to SMEs, while still allowing them to remain competitive and profitable despite the budget constraints most SMEs encounter.

While there is no miracle solution or silver bullet that can prevent any attack, Int Tec Solutions’ strategy is based on a multi-tiered approach to security that can often reduce the threat level as well as increase an organisation’s ability to mitigate the threat and in the event of a successful data breach, minimise the amount of damage that can occur.

The 6-Point Approach to Comprehensive Cyber Security

Int Tec embraces a cyber security strategy that permeates the entire cyber landscape of an organisation and actively involves personnel in establishing and maintaining the highest level of security possible.

1. Risk identification

As experts with decades of experience, the professionals at Int Tec Solutions stay up to date on established threats that continue to evolve as well as new, emerging cyber threats. The breadth of knowledge allows them to rapidly and effectively identify and prioritise cyber threats so that prevention and response measures can be executed quickly.

2. Vulnerability reduction

By employing all available security measures and empowering employees within the organisation with the knowledge necessary to reduce cyber threats, clients can be assured that their level of vulnerability is greatly reduced.

3. Disruption and prevention of attacks

With their extensive level of threat intelligence, the professionals at Int Tec Solutions can quickly detect data corruption and configuration anomalies that are red flags of a cyber-attack. This ability to quickly recognise an attack is the biggest factor in preventing data breaches.

4. Mitigation of incidents

Despite providing the best security measures available, no organisation is 100% immune from a cyber-attack, which is why Int Tec Solutions also works with their clients to develop mitigation plans so that data losses and downtime are reduced or eliminated.

5. Respond to changes in the network

With the rapid progress of digital technology, the only constant has been persistent change. As new applications and infrastructure solutions are developed, the older ones are replaced. The rise in cloud computing and the rapid proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) is also contributing to the fluidity and mutable nature of network environments. Int Tec Solutions is committed to providing the highest level of security for the unique network needs of their clients, no matter how much those needs may change.

6. Work to stabilise the entire cyber landscape

As the cyber security plan begins to take shape, the key to ensuring long-term security is empowering organisations in their ability to create policies and education on the importance of maintaining security. In this role, clients can depend on Int Tec Solutions to serve as a trusted and knowledgeable advisor that will help to develop successful strategies that support long-term cyber security.

Solutions Made Simple

There are many benefits in selecting Int Tec Solutions as a trusted partner that can assist with all of your cybersecurity needs. By letting our professionals handle the day-to-day tasks that ensure security is at its peak performance, you can trust that the threat of a data breach (and its corresponding adverse impact on reputation) will be minimised. Int Tec Solutions can provide a hand-on approach that applies the 6 Points of Comprehensive Cyber Security to your organisation. This safeguards your organisation from noncompliance and provides enhanced internal security practices. With regular monitoring and continuous identification of emerging and evolving threats, Int Tec Solutions can address these vulnerabilities quickly and respond accordingly. By contacting our experts, you can rest assured that your organisation’s IT security measures are ahead of the game.

5G and the Future of Connectivity

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Toward the end of 2018, Telstra made the news by making Australia’s first 5G to 5G video call between Sydney and the Gold Coast, ushering in the new era of 5G connectivity in the country.

Though telecommunications companies have been testing 5G for years, the first commercial services in Australia will go live in 2019. As a relatively new concept to most users, 5G has left many people wondering what its implications, benefits and uses are.

What is 5G?

5G is the next iteration of connectivity, following 4G, and its name reflects that it is the 5th generation for connectivity standards. It was designed to address the growing demand for ubiquitous wireless connectivity and serve the emerging applications that rely on high-speed, reliable wireless connections, such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality applications. In Australia, most phones currently operate on 4G networks, although 3G still remains in use in some areas or for some high-data quota plans. 2G networks were turned off by 2018. 5G networks focus on mobile data and the changes that present serve to enhance service over 4G.

As with past iterations of mobile networks, 5G will not replace 4G and the two will coexist simultaneously for the time being. Even 3G networks will be present until at least 2020.i 5G connectivity will theoretically be able to provide speeds of 20Gpbs, although individual users won’t be likely to see this speed for time being and actual network performance can be influenced by many factors.

What are the benefits of 5G?

5G networks improve upon past network technologies and it is very likely that 5G will enable a new era of disruptive communications technologies to exist and be used more reliably. For most users, there are benefits that will be experienced quickly once transitioned to 5G. While the biggest benefit cited is often speed, 5G is actually a culmination of technologies that will optimize the entire user experience.

These include:

Faster Speed

The biggest benefit to 5G networks lies in their ability to provide far faster speeds than have been available in the past. The download speed can reach up to 20Gbps, although actual speed will be dependent upon a combination of factors, including the network architecture and configuration, the amount of traffic on the network and the device used to connect. Despite this, the minimum download speed will be 100Mbps, which is currently the fastest NBN speed.

Greater Connectivity

In addition to an increase in speed, 5G will allow more devices to use the network simultaneously. This is especially important as there has been rapid growth in the Internet of Things (IoT) and average households have more devices connected than ever before. 5G allows for mass scale device connectivity, meaning that congestion during peak times will be much less of an issue than it has been with 4G networks.

Lower Latency

5G has a huge advantage over 4G in terms of latency. While the typical latency (or the time it takes for information to go from your device to the internet and then return) with 4G networks is around 60 milliseconds, with 5G this is decreased to as low as 1 millisecond. This difference might not be very perceptible to end users, but for devices that rely on artificial intelligence, such as autonomous vehicles, the lower latency will prove to be incredibly beneficial.

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When will it be available?

5G networks will see an increase in their rollout in 2019 and will likely be even more widespread in 2020. Telstra and Optus are slated to begin building networks in 2019 and Vodafone will begin in 2020.

Since most other network operators buy access from one of these three operators, although the timeline for when it will be offered in this way is much less certain. The increase in availability of 5G network access does not automatically mean that users will be on a 5G network. In order to access this network, users will need a device that is 5G-enabled.

Currently, these are not available in Australia, however some manufacturers will begin selling them this year, with many more following in 2020. Similar to the evolution of 4G-compatible devices, 5G will eventually become a standard feature when the network becomes widely available.

Initially, access will be concentrated within the capital cities and major metropolitan areas. Despite this, both Telstra and Optus have indicated that they want to expand to regional and rural areas as quickly as possible.

Will 5G impact my business operations?

As with personal use, 5G can greatly enhance business operations. The core premise of 5G is that it offers access to high-speed connections much more cost-effectively. This means that commercial businesses will be able to handle more traffic and data without suffering a huge increase in the cost.

In addition to the cost benefits, many organisations can envision a much more connected future with 5G networks, allowing them to leverage technology on a scale that has not been possible historically. This can range from the implementation of IoT devices such as wireless sensors, that can enhance production or provide real-time feedback on almost any type of business operation. With this, the integration of automation and artificial intelligence can also become easier. When mundane and repetitive tasks are automated, there are often substantial financial benefits while owners and employees are freed up to focus on more cognitive functions, such as reaching out to new customers and focusing on long-term strategies.

Ultimately, 5G networks enable business owners to implement many different types of devices that can enhance and improve business operations, providing them with a key competitive advantage in the marketplace of tomorrow. Forward-thinking organisations will embrace the capabilities of 5G and incorporate innovative technologies into their daily operations – and 5G will make it possible to do so successfully.

What will 5G look like in rural areas?

5G networks will perform optimally in major urban centers, but that doesn’t mean that the benefits of it will not reach rural Australia. The top speeds achievable with 5G require a high density of towers, which isn’t financially practical in most rural areas. However, as 5G technology begins to creep outside of the major cities, it will likely look like a version of 4G with enhancements. However, as with every other network iteration, 5G will eventually become ubiquitous. At this time, it will become transformational for rural manufacturing and the agricultural industry since it will allow widespread, reliable use of sensors and automation.

What does this mean for the future of communications?

With the widespread rollout of 5G, we will bring in a new era marked by having a fully mobile and connected society. It will empower individuals and organisations to use data in ways that have never before been practical or achievable. Combined with the rise in availability of AI, VR and automation, the use cases and potential technologies are endless. 5G networks will support a wider variety of applications as well as higher demand to meet the growing need for an increasingly connected world.

While 5G connectivity and devices are of limited availability currently, it’s not too soon for organisations to begin assessing their 5G readiness and planning for the future of connectivity.

Cloud Readiness

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Cloud computing is all the rage right now. It is frequently touted as the future of business technology, and the statistics on cloud usage are compelling. According to Gartner1, cloud computing (including applications, infrastructure, platform, and networking) will total a $206 billion market by 2019. The majority of solutions will be a hybrid cloud architecture.

Cloud services can include those that host applications, platforms, infrastructure, and even networking. Functionally, most employees in organisations have very little change in how they do their day-to-day work, but on the back end, the arrangement is completely different. Rather than owning the computing resources, organisations pay someone else to own, manage, and operate.

Migrations to the cloud are often very resource intensive and complex, although once the migration is complete, the benefits can be seen immediately.

Int Tec Solutions can help make the migration and management of cloud resources easier for organisations operating in any industry. With a suite of cloud service offerings, Int Tec Solutions can serve as your one-stop-shop that meets all of your needs.

Why Choose the Cloud?

Due to the complexity of cloud migrations, many organisations are holding off on making a move. Others have concerns that range from losing security and control of their data, relying on the stability of data flow and the internet, dealing with multiple vendors and products, challenges with integration with on-premise equipment, and simply a lack of experience with cloud technologies.

Despite these concerns, there is a clear and compelling case for way moving to the cloud is the next big IT move many organisations must make, if they haven’t already.


The cloud essentially functions as an on-demand service that has rapid elasticity. The benefits in this are that the IT resources are self-serviced and that your organisation can easily handle huge fluctuations in demand for resources without having to make costly investments in new equipment that ultimately have a much-lower ROI.


Cloud-based communications tools can increase the ease with which collaboration happens at a facility. When functions like email, instant messaging, VoIP, event scheduling and conferencing are on a shared platform, it becomes a common feature of business life. With this increased connectivity combined with greater use of mobile devices, collaboration is simply easier.


Despite widespread beliefs that IT quality may be decreased on the cloud, it can actually lead to better quality. The feedback and metrics that are measured on the cloud can help to inform better IT decision that have a positive impact on quality.


While disasters at workplaces are relatively rare, they do happen. For smaller businesses, this can often mean the end of the business. With cloud-based resources, data recovery becomes much easier, minimising the impact.


Given the advantages already discussed, it is clear to see that operationally speaking, there are huge financial savings. This is generally the primary motivator for cloud migration. In addition to the operational efficiencies, the pay as you go model for cloud resources is usually vastly less expensive than purchasing additional equipment and hosting it on-premise.

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Cloud Strategy – Planning and Assessment

Int Tec Solutions can provide expert consulting with existing IT staff as well as senior leadership to identify your goals and growth strategy as well as assess your current resources. By identifying inefficiencies and matching the most suitable technologies with their business purpose, huge gains can be made in operational efficiency. Our cloud consulting team has the skills and expertise needed to optimise the benefits and maximise the ROI for your cloud computing investments.

Cloud Migration and Implementation

Int Tec Solutions can assist with mapping out the timeline for the migration, as well as complete all of the necessary work up-front to ensure that the cloud migration goes as smoothly as possible. Our team can work on designing, developing and deploying cloud assets. We can also bring our knowledge to the table by sharing information that will help you make better decisions that may impact risk management and data security. With our knowledge and experience, we can make sure that your migration goes as smoothly as possible, minimising downtime and disruption.

Cloud Support and Management

Our professionals can also help to support and manage your cloud resources after the migration is complete. This can take many forms, but includes training and sharing best practices, working with multiple vendors to ensure that you are always using the best solutions available to meet your business objectives, and helping to navigate the divide with hybrid cloud structures. Int Tec Solutions will also work closely with you to gain any insights into how your cloud environment can be enhanced, and provide technical support that addresses any concerns clients may have.

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Cloud Security

You can trust that your cloud assets will remain safe when Int Tec Solutions is providing the security. By implementing measures that include continuous monitoring, the development of security controls, and ongoing security assessments, your data will remain as secure as possible. But since we all know that risk cannot be eliminated, Int Tec Solutions will also guidance with risk management issues related to data and the development of response plans that can mitigate the harm done in the event of a data breach.

Cloud Development

IT architectures can become very complicated, quickly. Int Tec Solutions will continue developing these assets in a flexible way that can respond nimbly to any changes necessary. Our team will continue to innovate and develop your cloud architecture in a way that lets you focus on growing and remaining competitive.

Hybrid Cloud Solutions

When assessing their cloud resources, needs and strategy, the majority of organisations will not opt for a complete migration to a public cloud. Many of them choose to keep the best of both worlds by combining on-premise infrastructure with public clouds – this is called a hybrid cloud. Hybrid clouds offer many of the advantages of the cloud, such as flexibility and financial savings, while also allowing for greater control of data and sensitive assets. There is an additional benefit of being able to migrate at a more gradual pace. Int Tec Solutions can work with your organisation to develop a hybrid approach that meets the needs of your business and bridges the gap between on-premise infrastructure and cloud-based assets.

Collection 1 and Data Security

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The recent outing of more than 700 million emails and their corresponding passwords, known as Collection 1, has underscored the importance of data security and its vulnerabilities. Moreover, a second leak containing more than 2.2 billion usernames and passwords has been announced, referred to as Collections 2-5. This corresponds to over 25 billion records, which have already been downloaded by over 1,000 individuals for unknown purposes, although hacking is the likely goal.

Despite the massive size of these two breaches, many security experts believe that this is just the beginning. This information will be used for attacks in many years to come and that there are an additional two data packages that contain more sensitive information that are being offered for sale by the same hacker behind Collections 1-5. These two are called ANITPUBLIC #1 and AP MYR & ZABUGOR #2. These files contain more than 3.5 billion user records including usernames, email addresses, passwords and even cell phone numbers.

While these data packages are gaining much recognition because of their size and scope, it is thought that the data may have been previously available for years prior and that the biggest change is that this is the largest aggregation we have seen, making it easier for hackers to obtain massive amounts of highly sensitive information easily.

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How to Protect Yourself

Given the magnitude of the data contained in these collections as well as the availability of other data in smaller packages, it’s safe for most individuals to assume that at least one of the email addresses they use is compromised. However, if you want to verify what information of yours may be contained in these collections, you can try checking with a ‘white hat’ website such as Have I Been Pwned website, which allows you to enter your email in order to see if it is in any known database (pwned is a term from gaming, which refers to beating or owning another player).

In the event that you find your data is compromised, there are several actions you can take to protect your sensitive information and account security.

1. Change your email account’s username and/or password.

Changing the password for your email is the first step in ensuring security. This will make it so that hackers cannot log into your account with the existing compromised information and change your password to one you don’t know, essentially hijacking your account. If you want to reduce the vulnerability of your account in the first place, you may also consider changing your username. This is especially effective if your account includes your first and last name. Changing it to something that is harder to guess and identify will reduce the likelihood that it is targeted in the first place.

2. Change the password for all other accounts that use the same compromised password.

Once a password has been compromised, there is no turning back, and this problem can often extend to other accounts as well. Since individuals typically have only a few passwords they tend to use for most accounts, hackers are able to link any other related accounts and can generally use your email and password combination to gain access to those as well. This makes changing this information a vital step in the process as well.

3. Enable two-factor authentication when possible.

Many accounts now offer two-factor authentication, which requires the user to provide additional authentication, such as a smart card or hardware token the user has or a biological check such as a fingerprint or iris scan. This enhanced security measure can help security greatly.

4. Monitor your financial accounts and set up credit alerts.

Once you have changed all of the compromised passwords, it is still crucial that you continue to monitor all of your financial accounts. You can set up alerts for transactions that exceed a specified limit or when someone attempts to take credit in your name. This will add another layer of protection to your assets.

Int Tec Solutions provides their clients with many enhanced security measures and can assist with training staff and developing best practices.